
In June 2015 I exhibited a series of garden tag paintings as interventions at Cairnhill Open Garden event in France. The tags made reference and connections between my own garden in Birmingham UK and the Cairnhill garden in France. The theme for the event was garden walks and the tags were positioned in strategic places to encourage discovery on a small scale. The tags can activate a video triggered by the Aurasma app enabling visitors to connect by video to my own garden. Since this exhibition I have started a tour of gardens forging connections between my own interest in gardening as a personal curated space both private and public. The tour includes connections made with the Ian Hamilton Finley garden ‘Little Sparta’ in Scotland.

The video element is also important to the work as it gives a longer life to the intervention; download the Aurasma app to your phone. Pointing your phone at the painted tags on a computer screen will activate a response.